Once we had a life of nomads, than settled habitations and with increased technological advancement, we have become a flat world as opined by Thomas L. Friedman in his book " The World is Flat". All boundaries have vanished and we are heading for an ecstasy world. Oh, am i day dreaming!!! What about the wars, rebellions, mushrooming of crime, drug cartels , regional, religion , color, caste, creed feelings and now a new kind of threat of financial black holes created by the most educated people ,which is more grave than the direct war itself. It is creating financial ripples in every home in the world. With all these human creations , are we really heading for a peaceful, green and prosperous world. Now we are in the fifth generation of evolution - Knowledge Age.
Stone/Nomadic Age,
Agricultural Age,
Industrial Age,
Information Age,
Knowledge Age.
From the ancient scriptures , we had division as per " the work we do".
- Brahmins ( Education),
- Kshatriyas( protectors of the country),
- Vyshyas(Trade and Commerce)
- Sudras ( Serving the above three with varied jobs) .
In the Industrial Age we had-Blue collared and White collared division.
In the Information Age-it was more of Software and Non-software division
In the Knowledge Age -While the first four ages above, had a final product produced from a raw material, this age is significant for the production of the money with input as money. It is competitive , speculative and every person wanting a piece a cake. The tragedy is we were running after virtual reality, ignoring the facts before us.
From the context of Indians, I restrict to the software family which has burgeoned into a strong force . They were the masters in the Information Age and everyone were in a boom. They created their own set of rules and procedures, standards and regulations . There progress was seen as an indicator of country's PPP( Purchasing Power Parity).
Now we have a fifth varna/division called the "Software ".
What are the eligibility criteria to join this group?
1 Degree in any discipline. 2 Training in a software institute. 3 English Language. 4 Negotiating Skills 5 No attachment to anyone or anything, called business acumen.
Job Prospects: 1 Join any one company as a launch pad . 2 Roll on , on and on 3 Overseas assignments 4 World of Opportunities. Landed in dream country America. Now adopting to life in a foreign land 1 Yield to peer pressure, 2 Buy a car, home, all accessories on loan. Next aim/s - Job that yields more money, always thinking of kids schooling, with parents back in India and thinking of investments, stock market .
What happened suddenly to this class of people, 1 Single talent and no diversification even within an organization. 2 Stock market stumble. 3 Job insecurity 4 Loss of stronghold in a foreign nation. 5 Caught in the vicious circle of recession 6 Housing crisis, real estate collapse. 7 Corruption in higher levels and greed.
Why we are failing to rise our voice? 1 No collective effort in the software industry because everyone is a rival of another in business , so no common agenda to face the outside world beyond software. 2 We forgot the basic concept that , " If people around me are well, I will be good otherwise I cannot enjoy, when my neighbour is suffering". 3 Always running after " Your own earnings ". Individualistic thinking. 4 Sometimes ignoring job offer letter "terms and conditions". Focus on only paycheck column. 5 No attachment to any company, any organisation or any person. 6 Updating resumes to forward to another company, using the resources of the current employer. Isn't it immoral. 7 Where is the Unity at the time of crisis. Which organization will save in the hour of crisis? 8 Is there any difference between the software professional and the daily wage labourer who waits for somebody to give a job. Software professional today is, in a way refined "HIGH TECH LABOURER" with problems like credit on car and home and living a life of a labourer in America. No common voice, no security at work place, extraction of work , no clarity on guarantees and warranties . The professionals are on the verge of joining club of textile workers, cotton farmers of Andhra Pradesh, if everyone doesn't rise to the occasion and unite and represent before the concerned authorities. To live a happy life , we don't need millions of dollars when the existence itself is at stake.
Now majority of professionals are facing the same problems like a person in hut in India,
1 Search for work. 2 Yield to all conditions of the employer. 3 Spouses are working at different places 4 Making bill payments 5 Increase in cost of groceries, so rationing of purchases is becoming a norm. 6 Making a lot of adjustments. 7 Moving to new places . 8 Limiting every need and want. 9 Stress on children. Don't get afflicted with the "Sheep Flock Syndrome" and get dictated by unscrupulous market forces.
What to think and How to act, 1 Discuss this crisis at every forum, which is created by a few greedy people without concern for common good. 2 This needs more serious effort from Industries. 3 Learn to be self reliant. 4 Be more close to reality and the world around . 5 High talent should again be recognised in the world. 6 Set new frame of rules, guidelines which ensures stability. 7 Ultimately ensure safety, security and prosperity so that there is no disturbance your family life. Be frugal. There is a saying " DON'T PURCHASE SOMETHING IN ANTICIPATION OF FUTURE MONEY". 8 Secure the present for a happy and strong future. 9 Learn to live within means. 10 Be in touch with friends. 11 Talk to parents and family more often. 12 Above all, have faith in GOD and confidence in self.
SARVE BHAVANTU SUKHINAH SARVE SANTHU NIRAMAYAH SARVE BHADRANI PASYANTHU MAA KASCHITH DUKHA BHAGBHAVETH (May all live happily , enjoy good health and see auspiciousness and none experience distress. May peace prevail everywhere). " SARVEJANA SUKHINA BHAVANTHU"( May all be Happy and Prosperous)
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