Apoorva Life Tips 2

Stress and Aging

The most inherent craving of any person on Earth is to look young. This surmounts beyond geographical, race , religion and all known boundaries of the globe.

Looking young and feeling young are altogether two different and varied aspects of life and needs an expert to deal with the subject.

In Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs, the wicked queen looks in her enchanted mirror, and says: "Mirror Mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all ?"

Standing before the mirror is the favourite indulgence to many. Observe people at any place where you find a reflective piece of material, a glance goes to it and see ourselves again and again-especially in malls while shopping, glass doors at offices, restaurants and all possible places - window panes, water bodies, steel utensils .

But are we doing anything to keep ourselves young ? And not look 10 years older than our real age is?

One most important cause of aging is said to be STRESS.

Stress in our daily lives-

1 At Home -Family duties-Spouse, Kids, Parents, Siblings, Relatives,

2 On Road - Traffic, Pollution, Road conditions,

3 In Office -Boss, Project deadline, Dealing with Coworkers,

4 Day in and Day out- To go to a movie with advance bookings, Time for groceries, Payments, Dealing with mundane activities at home and outside.

5 While Driving, Eating , Working, Knowledge gaining, Money, Budget, Shopping (Though some say it is a real stress buster)

This goes to INFINITY......

So sit back and think for a minute, in the 24 hours day , are you allocating even an iota of time to relieve the stress. Its just accruing in such a fast pace that hardly we have time to review and audit the gaps and rectify them.

This results in all the symptoms associated with AGING-




Heart problems,

and the most important is feeling isolated in spite of all our dear ones around us.

Ancient scriptures identified 4 Ashram's of LIFE

1 Brahmacharya Ashrama

2 Gruhasta Ashrama

3 Vanaprastha Ashrama

4 Sanyaasa Ashrama

for the man to attain the four objectives of Life ,

*Dharma (Social Order),

*Artha (Knowledge and Wealth through truthful means),

*Kama (For progeny , for contribution to the life in this world),

*Moksha (Attain God or Salvation or Spiritual Enlightenment).

In this circle of LIFE , we are caught in the attainment of only two- Artha and Kama . This is temporary phase only and to be performed for moving towards the greater goal that is- attainment of GOD.

The perfect example is the Economic Stumble - the bigwigs of the financial sector like the Pied Piper drove us all into the abyss , who created false castles and hypnotised the people into greater dreams have ditched us into oblivion , with no happiness and no hope of light round the corner.

So lot of stress is piling up in every mind as we race after the plastic money.

Think about it- With all the money that people are trying to pile up for their future, can they command the order of God to live eternally in this world?

That's the reality in this modern world.

Do we want to suffer and age without the relation to our real age and spend all our efforts to
medical bills for relieving our pain, spend thousands of dollars on cosmetic surgeries, luxurious spas and salons and anti aging medicines, creams and lotions ?


Follow some simple tips to enhance our beauty ( both within and outside ourselves), tools that are stress busters and lead a healthy and hearty life which will not put a big hole in our pockets/purses and wallets .

Here are the GOLDEN RULES in the order of priority:

1 Keep your friends circle always on priority rather than isolating from them giving reason of work.

Friends make you feel good. Talking to them, keeping in touch with them electronically and in person will really lighten up your day.

Its like nurturing a small seedling called "FRIENDSHIP" to sprout into a small plant and till it becomes a tree and starts yielding fruits.

Until then, we water them, add some manure, remove the weeds, trim them and daily watch them grow. It not only provides the shade but enhances the beauty of the surroundings.

Friends likewise make you feel wanted and special. That is the "ELIXIR" to move on with renewed energy.


-Thank GOD for giving you all the things you "deserved " rather than what you "desired".

-Send or Tell "A Thanksgiving Note" to every person who brought a small smile in you and wished you and your family, without prejudice.

-If possible write it and post it. Handwriting is a reflection of yourself and is more personalised. Otherwise an email is also better , rather than not saying anything.

-Make this a daily habit .

3 Exercise and nourish your body in whatever form - Walking, Going to Gym, Gardening, taking Dancing classes, Sports, Playing Tennis, House keeping etc

4 Actively participate in Religious and Community activities.

5 Above all, think that as humans we have our own limitations and heaven will not fall apart .

Take time to think, review, renew energies and tackle the issue with renewed strength and new ideas with grit.

“The components of anxiety, stress, fear and anger do not exist independently of you in the world. They simply do not exist in the physical world, even though we talk about them as if they do."
Wayne Dyer (American motivational Speaker and Author of self-help best selling books.)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The stress management is good. it seems i have to learn from you a lot. --- *** bhanu